URGENT - Project Coffee Holiday Commercial Spot - Toronto, Canada
CommercialNon-UnionPay: Session - $500/12 hour day, Usage - $1000. See project details for more. Travel Included.
Project Description: In this holiday spot, we see the developing relationship between our two heroes, Frank, a senior patient, and Claire, a nurse at the hospital he is at. Frank is at first distant, but as Claire strives to connect, they form a trust and respect for each other. As Frank nears his time to leave the hospital, he starts to retreat again, until we see he and Claire connect upon his release.
NOTE: All payments EXCEPT per diem are in USD
Session: $500/12 hour day
OT: $50/hr
Travel/Down Days (NA on Fitting Day): $250
Fitting: $50
Usage: $1000
Renewal: 10 increase
Agent Fee: 20 percent
Per Diem: $65 CAD/dy

We are committed to diverse, inclusive casting. For every role, please submit qualified performers, without regard to disability, race and ethnicity, age, color, national origin, or any other basis prohibited by law unless specifically indicated.

Initial casting session and callback will be virtual or self tape. After callbacks, we will conduct an in person chemistry read at a studio with our top 3 options per role.

Casting: By submission
Travel Dates to Canada: Sept. 24 or 25
Fitting: Sept. 25
Hold/Down Day: Sept. 26
Shoot Days: Sept. 27 and 28
Travel Back: Sept. 29
Location: Toronto, Canada (Must have valid passport for travel to/from Canada.)

Seeking Talent From: NEW YORK
Posted Date: 9/6/2024 12:28:57 PM
End Date: 9/14/2024  


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To DirectSubmit to a Role just click the Role Titles below. You can choose the photo that best fit the role and write a cover note. You can also send the Casting Director a Self-taped video audition if required.

Please follow all submission guidelines or you may be blocked by the casting director. Example: Submitting for role descriptions you do not fit. You should always submit as soon as possible for the best chances of getting the audition.
How DirectSubmit Works
FRANK | Male | Any Ethnicity | Age: 60 - 85
Frank is a patient recovering in a hospital during the holiday season. He is the kind of man who seems to carry the weight of the world in a quiet, measured way. His eyes, tired but sharp, he misses nothing, but there is a distance in him, a retreat to some inner place where memories outshine the present. He is polite, offering only what is required. Yet, beneath the reserve, there’s warmth. Performers should be able to embody the full arc of Frank’s journey, from looking disinterested, ‘distant’, slightly resistant to his nurse’s overtures of kindness, to being able to do the opposite and show caring, kindness, and happiness, and a growing mutual respect with Claire. Must have valid passport for travel to/from Canada.
CLAIRE | Female | Any Ethnicity | Age: 33 - 39
Claire is a busy nurse on the floor of the hospital Frank is receiving treatment. She’s the kind of person who can turn a hospital room into something warm, almost home. That’s what we witness her do with Frank. She is able to break down his defenses while having the utmost respect for him. And that’s why when Frank recoils and becomes distant again, it hits her so hard, and it hits us so hard. The woman should be able to convey a sense of caring, kindness, she looks like she works hard but is soft and easy to like. Talent with a nursing background is a plus! Must have valid passport for travel to/from Canada.

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