All posts by "Ilana Rapp"

Senior Writer
Ilana Rapp is a media-savvy Generation Xer with instinctive wit, quick humor and a taste for deep human emotions. As a former (child) actress with Broadway, film and television credits, she is adept at, well, lots of things. She currently blogs on The Huffington Post and writes entertainment pieces for NYCastings. She is a huge fan of the television show V. Ask her why her favorite number is 22. Follow Ilana on Twitter @LizardLadyNJ.
motion capture

As actors, we learn that we must overcome any uncomfortable situations. As a matter of fact, sometimes feeling uncomfortable makes us do our job better. So what’s it like being ...

What’s it like when your child lands a starring or recurring role on a TV series? Lives change. The decision to just pick up and move across the country or ...

When you waltz into the audition room, are you thinking about nailing the part or are you thinking that you may be asked to do physical stunt work? Exactly. Where ...

As actors, we’re always interested in stretching the limits. There’s no end as to how a character can be played. We have an idea in our head, but the director ...
same sex scenes-guys

Last article we found out how actresses handled same-sex scenes. Now it’s the guy’s turn! Gale Harold of Queer as Folk, Freddie Smith of Days of Our Lives and Dan ...

Being an actor is tough! It’s not just memorizing lines and learning technique. It’s a business that thrives on relationships, image and public appearances. There hopefully comes a point when ...
casting directors

As an actor, we never know what a Casting Director is thinking. We go in, do our audition, the CD says Thank you, next! and if we’re lucky, we’ll get ...

The experience of children on set, whether it’s for print, film or TV, can be very overwhelming for the children, parents / guardians and crew. Child wranglers, also known as ...

Lately there’s been an influx of Broadway actors coming to television and screen actors going to Broadway.  Think NBC’s Smash, FOX’s Glee and Matthew Broderick. So just what is it ...

Child performers have long been a part of scary film and television entertainment. Remember actress Linda Blair from the 1973 movie The Exorcist? How about Haley Joel Osment from 1999’s ...

As actors, we rarely say to ourselves, Oh boy! I want to be an actor so I can sit in a make-up chair for endless hours and be turned into ...
actors networking

How can Social Networking benefit you as an actor? With the explosion of Facebook and Twitter over the past few years, it’s no wonder celebrities have opted to use these ...

Many parents have asked me on numerous occasions if their child should join the unions: Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, now merged as one ...

You receive a call for your four-year-old son to be at an audition in two hours. You haven’t showered, haven’t fed your son yet and there’s no time to find ...

Award Winning Writer * Producer * Partner… If these accolades appeal to you as an artist, then get ready to mentally devour every word of advice from the award winning partners of ...