So, congratulations are in order! You got past the first audition and you’ve been selected to return for the callback. This is of course great news, as you are past ...
If you read these pages regularly, you are likely to be a working actor on some level, or striving to be. But whether you are fresh out of school and trying ...
As actors we spend a lot of time discussing–and let’s face, it worrying about–monologue auditions. Surely the hardest part of our jobs is walking into a room, facing down a ...
Endless digital ink has been spilled about auditioning and the travails of the working actor as he or she pursues a career in this tough, demanding business. You quickly learn ...
Jumping into acting as a career choice is like stepping off a cliff, and at the bottom is a murky pool filled with black water and populated with mysterious swirling ...
Let’s face it, the monologue audition is a stressful, nerve-wracking thing. There’s no shame in admitting this; the vast majority of actors would probably agree that it is the worst ...
Recently I posted a list of things most actors probably wish they had known when they were just getting started. But as the list developed I realized I was really ...
Remember when you were just getting your start in acting? For some of you maybe that isn’t so long ago. But for some of us, that was several lifetimes ago. ...
“Oh, brave new world, that has such people in it!” –William Shakespeare, “The Tempest” Imagine for a second an actor from Shakespeare’s troupe transported forward in time to today. If ...
If you’re reading these pages, it’s a safe bet that you’ve already been bitten by the acting bug, in one capacity or another. Somewhere along the line, anyone working as ...
In all but the very luckiest cases, to make a go of being a working actor means hitting audition after audition. And the process of throwing yourself out there with ...
Let’s face it, acting is a strange, unnatural job. Think about it: pretending to experience the life events and emotions of other people for the entertainment of an audience is ...