“I remember the summer after my mother passed away from the movie “30 Mins or less.”Nick is a pizza deliverer who lives a fairly ordinary, boring life — until ...
“There was a Time for this Law, but Not Anymore.” from the musical “Footloose.” Ren is trying to convince the Reverand Shaw that dancing is not the work of the devil. ...
“And thus began the best summer of my life from the play ” Shows for Days.” Car is a playwright looking back on a time in his life when he discovered ...
“Someday I’ll get you, Red Baron!” from the musical “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown.” Snoopy is daydreaming about a battle with the infamous, Red Baron. Ideal for Male or Female ...
“You Still Thinking About Grad School” from the film “Adventureland.” Eric tries to convince his friend, James, that he doesn’t need to go to graduate school. Ideal for Male Teens ...
“Now Be a Good Girl and Get My Coffee” from the musical “9 to 5″. Mr. Hart tells the gals what he expects of them at work. Ideal for Adult Males 30s ...
I Ain’t Draft Dodging from the Film ‘Ali’. Ideal for young adult African-American males. 1-2 Min. Muhammad Ali is convicted for refusing to fight in Vietnam. In this monologue he ...
L’Oreal commercial. Ideal for teen to adult females. Under 1 Min. Skinny is out. That’s why I use Voluminous Mascara by L’Oreal. For luxurious lashes that are three times fuller. ...
TJ Maxx commercial. Ideal for Teen to adult females. Under 1 Min. I had to go to TJ Maxx. My boyfriend and I just broke up and I needed a ...
Lean Cuisine commercial. Ideal for female adults. Under 1 Min. I decided long ago that I am not going to eat my way through every fast food restaurant and pizza ...
1-877-Kids Now commercial copy. Ideal for male or female adults. Under 1 Min. Today, parents have a lot of hard choices, pay the phone bill or pay the doctor. Fill the ...
Allstate Commercial Copy ideal for adult men or women. Under 1 Min. Some insurance companies seem to think that 15 minutes is all it takes. But not Allstate. We’ll take ...
“It’s gonna be so happy here” from the film “The Shape of Water” – A Woman Thinks Back To Her Childhood In This Dramatic Monologue For Female Actors. 1-2 Min. Written by Guillermo Del ...
Children’s Advil – For Adult Females – Commercial Copy – Under 1 Min. She has a high fever. You know what it’s like to wait it out When time counts, ...
LONELINESS – A stranded man talks to inanimate objects in this comedic monologue for male actors. 2-3 Min. EXT: A DESERTED ISLAND Logan is stranded and has been alone on the ...
“Did I Hear Someone Say the Magic Words” from the film “The Devil You Know.” – The Devil refuses to buy a soul in this comedic monologue for male actors. 2-3 Min. INT: ...
“Scientists Predict that…” from the film “FUTURE” – Monologue for older male actors, this monologue reflects on the future of a man who’s been diagnosed with cancer. 2-3 Min. VICTOR Scientists predict that ...
FRUSTRATED FATHER – A middle-aged male actor gives this dramatic monologue to his ungrateful children. 1-2 minute. INT: CRAIG’S HOUSE. Craig is a frustrated, overworked man. At the dinner table his children are ...
BABYSITTER – A boy has a playful conversation with his babysitter. Younger boys can use this monologue as an audition piece. 1 Min. INT: A MESSY HOUSEHOLD. Adrian, age four, is being babysat ...
GHOST – A nervous woman tries to explain an encounter. 3-4 min. INT: ATTIC ROOM. NIGHT. KARA I don’t believe in ghosts, but last night one visited me, hovering just about ...