Abrams Artists Agency

Kids Talent Agencies - DirectSubmit

Kerri Krilla, the Vice President of NY Print and Youth Commercial / Voiceover at CESD Talent Agency, is one of New York’s top Youth Agents. (Readers, if you’re as excited about this interview as I was to conduct it, skip ...
How to get a talent agent

When you move to Los Angeles, as an actor, one of the first things on your mind is getting that top notch agent or manager. But for most, unless you have been referred over, you’ve got to bring something to ...
Talent Agents

When coming to LA to be an actor, the first thing you need to do is get an agent. The trouble most new talent run into is that most agents want experience, and getting experience without an agent very difficult. ...

Agents: the guys and gals whose sole purpose is to get you in the room for the roles you deserve. It’s the one relationship every actor craves in this business. You want a teammate, a colleague, and someone who fights and cares ...

Hello! And welcome to Revamp Your Hosting Reel. I’m your writer, Kelly Calabrese. Today, I’ll be revealing all the nitty-gritty details about what agents look for in hosting reels with insight from our expert – agent, Mark Turner. As part ...