Acting Advice


Whoot! NYCastings!!! It’s time to celebrate doubly loud because our Top Booker of 2012 has once again snagged the coveted title with a total of 168 booked days of work and earnings of $20,305 through NYCastings jobs only. Yes indeed, ...

A character’s sexual development has become more and more complicated over the years. Back in the day it was easy to define a character’s sexuality as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered or straight. In today’s world, there are multiple levels of ...

Ready to explode on the indie film scene? To strut down some film festival red carpets? And finally get those locked doors to burst open? Well get your inner dreamer ready for intense inspiration because actress/producer Summer Crockett Moore recently ...
SummerCrockettMoore-headshot-legit (1)

Ready to explode on the indie film scene? To strut down some film festival red carpets? And finally get those locked doors to burst open? Well get your inner dreamer ready for intense inspiration because actress/producer Summer Crockett Moore recently ...
secrets of a casting director

We all wish we could get inside the head of a Casting Director. Perhaps there’s some magical little spell that will give us the guidance to win an audition with the Director / Producer. Casting Directors are on OUR side, ...

What’s it like when your child lands a starring or recurring role on a TV series? Lives change. The decision to just pick up and move across the country or even out of the country is not a decision that ...

Over 40? Over 50? Over the grind of corporate life with a desire to finally pursue your dream of becoming an actor? As long as you’re ready to fully commit, a late start doesn’t matter. You simply need the ability ...

When you waltz into the audition room, are you thinking about nailing the part or are you thinking that you may be asked to do physical stunt work? Exactly. Where is the line drawn between an actor performing his or ...

As actors, we’re always interested in stretching the limits. There’s no end as to how a character can be played. We have an idea in our head, but the director might have a totally different idea. Creating your character is ...

Ballsy indeed, Whoopi Goldberg kicked off her acting career by choosing a stage name based on the popular whoopee cushion gag toy! Over the years, her strong choices have helped her win an Oscar, Emmy, Grammy, and a Tony. And, ...

All the world may be a stage, but aspiring actors still need to put in some serious effort if they wish to begin pounding the pavement to Broadway or Hollywood and be successful. For starters, new actors need to commit ...

Being an actor is tough! It’s not just memorizing lines and learning technique. It’s a business that thrives on relationships, image and public appearances. There hopefully comes a point when you’re ready to take that next leap in you career. ...

Lately there’s been an influx of Broadway actors coming to television and screen actors going to Broadway.  Think NBC’s Smash, FOX’s Glee and Matthew Broderick. So just what is it about these entertainers that make us want more?  They’re double ...

What’s love got to do with it? When it comes to acting – the answer is EVERYTHING. An actor must expose their heart; be vulnerable (often uncomfortably so) to the most volatile of elements. They allow themselves to be overtaken ...

Child performers have long been a part of scary film and television entertainment. Remember actress Linda Blair from the 1973 movie The Exorcist? How about Haley Joel Osment from 1999’s The Sixth Sense? Or Danny Lloyd, who played Jack Nicholson’s ...

There is no debating – Actor Nate Parker is rising to the top of his game, landing major roles by giving each character a true heart and soul. The trick to creating a character is work, time, hours. Literally hours, ...

As actors, we rarely say to ourselves, Oh boy! I want to be an actor so I can sit in a make-up chair for endless hours and be turned into a monster! We instead think about getting proper representation, taking ...
actors networking

How can Social Networking benefit you as an actor? With the explosion of Facebook and Twitter over the past few years, it’s no wonder celebrities have opted to use these platforms as a way to communicate directly with the public. ...

Are you ready to rock? Of course you are! And NYCastings wants to help you achieve great success – that’s why we’re sharing behind the scenes tips on how to earn more commercial callbacks. These insights from freelance casting director ...

You receive a call for your four-year-old son to be at an audition in two hours. You haven’t showered, haven’t fed your son yet and there’s no time to find a sitter for your three-month-old baby. You accept the audition ...