acting coach

Mirandas Victim - Mireille Enos, Abigail Breslin, Emily Van Camp

Michelle Danner stands out in a league of her own, boasting a multifaceted career as a performer, teacher, storyteller, entrepreneur, and expert. As the legendary acting teacher and founder of the Creative Center for the Arts and the Los Angeles ...
Mastering the Art of Smiling -An Actor's Guide to Expressive Facial Emotions

Smiles are not just expressions of happiness; they are complex signals that can convey a spectrum of emotions, intentions, and subtleties. Understanding and mastering different kinds of smiles is essential for actors who aim to deliver nuanced and compelling performances. ...

Becoming an actor is a dream that many people hold. There’s something exhilarating about the idea of stepping into someone else’s shoes and bringing a character to life. But do you have what it takes to become an actor? Why ...
Actress in front of the camera in an audition

Pamela’s approach to coaching is an Artistic-Holistic directive. As an Intuitive Acting Coach, Pamela uses metaphysical approaches when it comes to grounding, focusing, empowering actors. Fine tuning intuition and bringing out the silences in the performance.  By being selective and ...
Michelle Danner on Surviving Show Business

In this episode of Surviving Show business we talk to acting teacher, Michelle Danner about how to train for an acting career, popular acting techniques, how to find acting jobs, how to find and agent and how to get started ...
NYCasting Acting Classes - Which Should You Choose

“I’ll always be there because I’m a skilled professional actor. Whether or not I’ve any talent is beside the point.” – Michael Caine Does everyone remember when they booked their first paying gig? It’s truly an amazing feeling –  whether ...
Empowering the Actor with Acting Coach Joseph Pearlman

Acting coach Joseph Pearlman speaks with a tremendous positive energy and enthusiasm that’s downright infectious. But it’s the information he imparts to the actors he’s working with that’s the real gift he offers. Pearlman’s message is all about empowerment: helping ...
making it

Nowadays it seems we live in a fame-obsessed world. So often I hear people exclaim, “Wow, he’s really made it!” after learning of a job that will offer fame and fortune in return. While these jobs are, of course, something ...

When it comes to auditions, we’ve all heard the skipping record telling us that “we have to calm our nerves,” “be natural,” and “not be appear as if we NEED to book the role.” But these sound bites of advice ...

School is never out… whether it be for summer, fall or winter… for actors who must always be prepared to spring into auditions! Learning, “How to Audition Success fully for Both Traditional and New Media” takes constant re-assessment. Luckily, actors ...

Way before the Regal Beagle, legendary sitcom funnyman – Richard Kline – aka Larry from Three’s Company, began to build a regal career in the entertainment industry with an acting degree from Northwestern, major theatre credits and enough commercial work ...
reel experience

Actor Joanne Baron shares her first hand knowledge of video auditioning Like a shooting star, Joanne Baron often finds herself traveling a great distance for acting gigs. Yet no matter where she lands, Joanne has to keep up with the ...