broadway shows

Come From Away: Schonfeld Theatre- Opened 3/12/17 A musical based on the true story of Gander, Newfoundland on September 11, 2001. Thirty eight international planes were sent to Gander and the city welcomed them with open arms. It doesn’t seem ...

“I want to be on Broadway!” How many of you have ever said something along those lines? And how many of you are really doing what it takes to make it? It is easy to attend a Broadway performance and ...
Logan Smith & Athan Sporek

Television boy Logan Smith – Professional Photos by David Kaptein Photography. Broadway boy Athan Sporek – Photo by Matina Sporek. What’s that saying? “Boys will be boys.” Well, guess what? Not THESE Broadway and television boys… Logan Smith of NBC’s ...

Unless you’re on the fourth planet of the star Sirius, you’ve probably heard all about diversity in film and television – especially in the past couple of years. She made a comment to me once about how this business is such ...

Agents: the guys and gals whose sole purpose is to get you in the room for the roles you deserve. It’s the one relationship every actor craves in this business. You want a teammate, a colleague, and someone who fights and cares ...

Oftentimes there is confusion about working on Broadway vs. Regional vs. Community theater. There are so many factors that come into play (pun intended, haha. Ok so I need a new joke, whatever). Back on track. There are pay scale ...
Photo By KingPTD

You may recognize Ray Iannicelli from the recently released Bill Murray film called St. Vincent. This week, Ray shares the big screen with Quvenzhané Wallis, Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx in the highly anticipated remake of the classic, ANNIE coming to ...

What do you get when you cross the dorkiest actor alive with one of the most prominent Casting Directors in NYC? Don’t think too hard because there’s no answer. Ahem. Let’s talk about commercials! You’ve seen DAVID BANKS on the ...

When you waltz into the audition room, are you thinking about nailing the part or are you thinking that you may be asked to do physical stunt work? Exactly. Where is the line drawn between an actor performing his or ...
casting directors

As an actor, we never know what a Casting Director is thinking. We go in, do our audition, the CD says Thank you, next! and if we’re lucky, we’ll get feedback from our agent or manager. Casting is much more ...
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Sandra Palmeri breaks through – and – breaks down barriers. HEAR YE – Get ready to believe that it’s never too late to go after your dreams…. because this year’s Top Booker for NYCastings has only 3 years of acting ...
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Ever think, “I MUST become a successful, working actor or I’ll die!” Well… taking a class at the renowned T. Schreiber Studio in New York City will help you ignite that passion, not just for acting but for every character. ...
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Meeting a Talent Agent for the first time can feel momentous, as if you should genuflect or feel devoutly grateful but, “We are all just pieces of a puzzle,” shares Bloc’s Legit Talent Agent Jim Daly. “When that show finally ...

Pen in hand, you are about to sign a contract for your latest acting gig as so many questions pop into your head…  Is this contract worded fairly? How will my image be used, exactly? Should I really sign away ...

As we head full force into award season, celebrities are whittling down their waist lines AND their short list of who to thank during acceptance speeches – because every moment and word counts when actors present themselves. If an actor ...

Shining with energy, passion and an empowering purpose – legendary acting coach, actress and writer Susan Batson knows how to turn any actor into a golden character. It’s an eclectic process. It’s like a science, shares Susan Batson. Basically and ...
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Breaking news in 2009… Lauren Francesca won the NYCastings Top Booker of 2009 contest, with a grand total of $11,395 in earnings and more than 32 roles acquired through NYCastings in the year. Seriously – a fantastic accomplishment! And, no ...
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“You have this dream,” you want to host a show… “But you can’t go to Barnes and Noble and learn how to be a successful host,” says casting director and lifestyle expert Jamie Carroll who casts for HGTV, FOOD NETWORK, ...

Watch the video interview below where ace reporter Kelly Calabrese interviews actress, Sandra Palmeri on her experience using NYCastings and booking projects such as the feature film “Alone” and several principle roles in commercials like: Jack LaLane Power Juicer, Hana ...

Auditioning has a great deal to do with the art of social networking. Everything in an audition sends a message and builds a profile in the mind of the casting director. The more you know, the larger potential you have ...