

Stealing the hearts of your audience is an art that requires a blend of skill, empathy, and authenticity. Being an actor isn’t just about going through the motions; it’s about captivating your audience and forging a lasting emotional bond that ...

Every actor, regardless of age or experience level, knows the intrinsic challenges that accompany a career in the public eye. The constant scrutiny, the public’s opinions, and sometimes the harsh glare of the media can make the job tough, not ...

Cold reading is the art of delivering a performance with minimal preparation, often reading directly from a script without having had the opportunity to study it in advance. For actors, mastering this skill can make auditions a breeze, impress casting ...

In the world of medical education, there’s a unique crossover with the realm of theater. No, medical students aren’t being trained to take up the stage, but actors are stepping into medical classrooms to play a vital role. These actors, ...

The art of delivering an impressive monologue is a skill often neglected, especially amongst teenagers. Yet, in a world increasingly valuing effective communication, this talent is more essential than ever. Acting auditions, speech competitions, presentations – these all require a ...

Not to sound cliché, but hey, I’m being cliché — it’s important to understand the fine line that separates having an ego from being confident. While confidence can propel actors to new heights, an unchecked ego can hinder growth and ...
emotional resilience

Child actors must develop emotional resilience to cope with the ups and downs of their careers. They can achieve this by comprehending the nature of triumph and disappointment, fostering a positive mindset, establishing a supportive community, expressing emotions through creative ...
Idina Menzel in Wicked. Photo by Jane Marcus.

Acting is an art that has captivated audiences for generations. Its power to evoke emotion and transport onlookers to another world is undoubtedly a skill admired by many, so it’s no surprise that actors are revered as some of the ...

The question of what an actor is willing to sacrifice in order to have a successful career is one that is often debated. There are many different opinions on the matter, but it ultimately comes down to what the individual ...

The importance of confidence for actors cannot be understated. A lack of confidence can be crippling for an actor, leading to a performance that falls flat. Conversely, a confident actor is able to command the stage and deliver a powerful ...
Biting Nails

If you’ve ever had a fear of public speaking, or even just felt anxious before an audition, then keep reading. I’ll explain how to overcome your nerves and build the confidence necessary to succeed as an actor. First, understand that ...
Why You Should Reconsider If You're Thinking About Quitting Acting

Actors can be a sensitive lot, as we all know. It just makes sense; in order to to do this job and do it well, you have to be closely in touch with the entire spectrum of human emotions, and ...
Improv Class

As dedicated actors, we all know the importance of constantly challenging ourselves. We try new things, delve into art forms we haven’t previously explored, and of course we’re always on the lookout for new classes to take. And while no ...

As actors, what brings many of us joy in the work is that sense of riding a dragon when you step on stage or in front of the camera. No, that wasn’t a backhanded Game of Thrones reference, (although, did ...
Child Actors

“I can’t say I was unhappy as a child actor in films. I had a particularly wonderful time.” –Roddy McDowell  When speaking to adult actors, one of the most often repeated sentiments is to remind them that this is all ...
It's Easy To Get Started In Acting – But There Are Some Things You Should Know

So you want you want to get started as an actor. First of all, congratulations! You are about to embark on joining a proud, mad, very exclusive club. The good news is it’s easy to get started in acting – ...
Audition Callbacks

There’s nothing like that feeling when you walk out of an audition feeling great, knowing in your bones that you killed it. You remembered the lines, you were funny and charming with the casting team, they laughed at your stupid ...
Acting Audition mistakes

We’ve all got to start somewhere. That’s the thing to keep in mind if you’re a newbie actor just getting started in this delightful and looney business. Everyone had their first audition, and everyone booked their first role somewhere along ...
Actors Improv

If you go out to see theater on a regular basis–and you really should, not only to support theater in general as well as your friends’ shows, but also to contribute to your ongoing education as an actor–you’ve probably seen ...

A lot of times when we talk about acting we can easily get caught up in discussing the challenges and stress of the business end of it: auditions, agents, headshots, etc. And granted, it isn’t an easy career path for ...