“You will always be my Mommy” from the film “Captain Fantastic” – At the funeral pyre, Zaja says goodbye to her late mother. Dramatic Monologue For Female Kid Actor. 1 Min. Written by Matt Ross ZAJA: You will always be my mommy. And ...
“Have you ever seen a real key lime pie? From the film ” The Shape of Water.” Giles finally makes a stand. Ideal for Adult Males in their 50s and 60s. 1-2 Mins. Written By: Guillermo Del Toro and Vanessa Taylor Giles: ...
“How’d you like to do a little business with me?” from the film “Paper Moon.” Moze asks Addie if she wants to go into business with him. Ideal for Adult Males in their 30s. 1-2 Mins. Written By: Alvin Sargent Moze: ...
“Dad MADE her crazy.” from the film “CAPTAIN FANTASTIC” – Rellian tells his brother what their mom was really like. Dramatic Monologue For Male Kid Actor. 1 Min. RELLIAN: She wanted to be flushed down the toilet. Dad MADE her crazy. That’s ...
“I’ve been in the Room nineteen hours.” from the film “ROOM” Jack and his Mom have just been rescued from their captor. Dramatic Monologue for Male Kid Actor. 1 Min. JACK: I’ve been in the world nineteen hours. I’ve seen pancakes ...
A LITTLE PRINCESS THE MUSICAL – Sara has gathered her friends, hoping to contact the spirit of Becky’s mother. Dramatic Monologue For Female Kid Actors. 1 Min. SARA: Shhh! Please. I’m sorry, but we’ve got to be very quiet, or we’ll frighten ...
MATILDA THE MUSICAL- Matilda makes up a story about a child losing her parents. Dramatic Monologue For Female Kid Actors. 4-5 Min. MATILDA: And so they prepared themselves for the most dangerous feat that had ever been performed. The great escapologist had to ...
I Ain’t Draft Dodging from the Film ‘Ali’. Ideal for young adult African-American males. 1-2 Min. Muhammad Ali is convicted for refusing to fight in Vietnam. In this monologue he disputes the conviction. Dramatic, Scolding, Persuasive, Descriptive, Complaining. Written By: Michael ...
“It’s gonna be so happy here” from the film “The Shape of Water” – A Woman Thinks Back To Her Childhood In This Dramatic Monologue For Female Actors. 1-2 Min. Written by Guillermo Del Toro & Vanessa Taylor ZELDA: When I was a little girl- ...
“Scientists Predict that…” from the film “FUTURE” – Monologue for older male actors, this monologue reflects on the future of a man who’s been diagnosed with cancer. 2-3 Min. VICTOR Scientists predict that the stars will be in unrecognizable constellations 100,000 years from ...
FRUSTRATED FATHER – A middle-aged male actor gives this dramatic monologue to his ungrateful children. 1-2 minute. INT: CRAIG’S HOUSE. Craig is a frustrated, overworked man. At the dinner table his children are complaining about not wanting to do their homework. CRAIG When ...
BREAK UP – A young woman attempts a conversation with her ex-boyfriend’s mother over the phone in this dramatic monologue. Good for younger women. 2-3 Min. INT: A BEDROOM ADRIENNE is pacing around her bedroom, talking on her cell phone to MARTHA, ...
Here is a great list of acting terms and Entertainment industry terms which you will hear often on film sets, in theatre productions and in recording studios. Above the Line – A budgetary term for movies and TV. The line ...