harrison ford

7 Lessons to Learn from Actors Who Have Not Had Acting Lessons

There are countless tales of actors who have reached great heights without undergoing formal training. Starting from modest origins and eventually basking in the glow of the limelight, these performers frequently attribute their success to innate abilities, unwavering resolve, and ...
Zoe Saldana and Chris Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy

Being an actor requires an immense amount of skill, dedication, and persistence. While the allure of bright lights, acclaim, and artistic fulfillment draws many to the acting avenue, it’s equally marked by a multitude of rejections. These are not just ...

To become a puppeteer, an actor needs to learn specific techniques that are unique to puppetry. While there is some overlap with traditional acting skills, such as creating character and expressing emotion, there are also many differences in terms of ...

Acting is an art form that has been around for centuries, and it has the power to both entertain and educate audiences. However, when executed poorly or without proper consideration, it can also be a conduit for promoting negative values. ...
Kathy Bates in Misery

In any movie, there is usually an evil character. This character can be anyone from the protagonist’s enemy, to a minor villain, to a completely monstrous being. But what makes an evil character so compelling? For one thing, an evil ...
Show Business is Rough Business

Execute. Achieve. Accomplish. Memorize those three words because they should be in your Script of Life. Living in today’s world is hard; it just is. You’re either in it for the count or you’re a lump on the casting couch. ...
Ewan Horrocks

Teenage actor Ewan Horrocks is making a name for himself, having just finished filming the British television series The Last Kingdom. You can catch up on the previous seasons on Netflix. Show business is a whirlwind and juggling time is something ...
Griffin Santopietro of Netflix's Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai actor Griffin Santopietro realizes that patience is important in show business, as well as in life. When an actor books a series or film that gets the attention of the public, it seems that the actor shot to ...