Ilana Rapp

Success in Acting

Finally! After what seems like forever, (probably because it WAS forever), you land the juicy job that gets you noticed. Welcome to the land of frenzy, Actors! … Your life is about to change with this breakout role. Instead of ...
Actors in Acting

You’ve got the jitters and your head is spinning, yet you’re not sick. You know there’s something going on but you can’t explain it. You feel helpless because whatever it is, it’s driving you crazy. … And then you go ...
Actors booking out

As with any job, frustration is a big part of show business. Being an agent comes with many frustrations, but one of the most under-the-radar frustrations is when a client forgets to book out. Booking out is when you tell ...

When Should You Hire an Entertainment Lawyer? A Chat with Alesha M. Dominique, Attorney-at-Law, of MSK. When you decided to become an actor, did you think about the consequences of negotiating and signing contracts? Did you realize that you could be ...
The Hustle

It’s All About the Hustle It’s getting harder and harder to survive in this world. No one is going to do your work for you. Acting is not limited to a certain age group. People are choosing to go into ...

Show business can be scary. Show business can be harsh. Show business can be rewarding. Let’s skip the “Do you have what it takes to be an actor” and go right to “Do you have what it takes to go ...
Logan Smith & Athan Sporek

Television boy Logan Smith – Professional Photos by David Kaptein Photography. Broadway boy Athan Sporek – Photo by Matina Sporek. What’s that saying? “Boys will be boys.” Well, guess what? Not THESE Broadway and television boys… Logan Smith of NBC’s ...

You’ll recognize Adina Porter from the CW’s The 100, HBO’s True Blood and HBO’s The Newsroom. Soon you’ll see her on the new show Underground. Adina Porter is a master at transformation. She’s barely recognizable from role to role. Even if ...