Keanu Reeves


Physical conditioning is an important aspect of an actor’s career, especially when preparing for physically demanding roles. Whether it’s for action-packed movies, intense stage performances, or roles that require a significant transformation, maintaining peak physical fitness is key. This guide ...

Action films have been a staple of cinema for decades, offering audiences thrilling and exciting experiences through adrenaline-fueled sequences of explosions, car chases and hand-to-hand combat. These films have captured the hearts and minds of moviegoers around the world, drawing ...

Dyslexia is a common learning disability (a neurological disorder) that can affect reading, writing and spelling abilities. Although it’s most often diagnosed in children, it can also affect and/or continue in adults. Many famous actors have dyslexia, including Tom Cruise, ...
Henry Cavill in The Witcher

Some of the world’s greatest actors have a few secrets up their sleeves that help them to become the amazing performers they are. These secrets, while they may be different for each actor, all share one common goal: to create ...

Anyone here love superheroes? I’m only asking because we’re going to discuss how to play a superhero character. It’s not as easy as it looks! In order to act like a superhero, one must first understand what it means to ...
Tom Cruise in Top Gun: Maverick

Actors need to look the part and feel the part in order to get the part. They have to audition for roles, and the competition can be stiff. To get the part, they need to impress the casting director, director ...
Voiceover work can be very lucrative.

There are many different careers in the acting industry. Some of the most common actors and actresses work in Television, Film, Theater, as TV/Radio presenters, do Voiceovers and work as Stunt Performers. Each of these careers has its own unique ...

There is no denying that the life of a child actor is drastically different from that of other kids. For one, they often have to juggle acting and schooling, which can be difficult. They also typically have to deal with ...
Back to the Future - Crispin Glover, Lea Thompson, Tom Wilson

Cowards are often depicted in film and television as weak characters who run away from danger or confrontations. However, there are a few brave cowards out there who have broken the mold and shown that being a coward isn’t always ...
Stuntman Matt Berberi

If you like action and fight sequences, chances are you’ve seen stuntman Matt “Matty” Berberi’s work. Let’s see… The Matrix Resurrections, Westworld, Star Trek: Picard, Space Jam: A New Legacy, just to name a few. Planning, coordinating and rehearsing are ...
Ellen Hollman. Photo courtesy of Global Digital Releasing. Bjoern Kommerell

Matrix 4 and STARZ’ Spartacus action actress Ellen Hollman is an Army of One this December. We got a special inside look at what it’s like for Ellen Hollman to take her career to the next level by adding writer ...
Diane Franklin Amityville II The Possession

Dude. Actress Diane Franklin is to acting as Maxwell House is to coffee. Let’s face it – there are certain staples we just have to have in the house such as pizza and junk food. And what goes best with ...