Parks and Recreation

Zoe Saldana and Chris Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy

Being an actor requires an immense amount of skill, dedication, and persistence. While the allure of bright lights, acclaim, and artistic fulfillment draws many to the acting avenue, it’s equally marked by a multitude of rejections. These are not just ...

The power dynamic between actors and casting directors can be debated til the end of time. While both actors and casting directors play crucial roles in the industry, the power dynamic between them is not always equal. Casting directors are ...
Bonnie Bartlett and Michael Landon in Little House on the Prairie

Actress Bonnie Bartlett is considered one of the greats. Currently age 91 years, Bonnie has seen the entertainment world change considerably over the past 60 years. Yet some things, like acting techniques, still remain the same. There are some really ...