Sanford Meisner

10 Books On Acting Every Actor Should Read

Embarking on a journey in the acting world is a unique adventure that requires not just raw talent but also a deep understanding of the craft. Books on acting serve as invaluable resources, offering guidance, techniques, and insights from seasoned ...
Idina Menzel in Wicked. Photo by Jane Marcus.

Acting is an art that has captivated audiences for generations. Its power to evoke emotion and transport onlookers to another world is undoubtedly a skill admired by many, so it’s no surprise that actors are revered as some of the ...
Diane Franklin Amityville II The Possession

Dude. Actress Diane Franklin is to acting as Maxwell House is to coffee. Let’s face it – there are certain staples we just have to have in the house such as pizza and junk food. And what goes best with ...

My head is exploding from speaking with Larry Silverberg, one of the leading authorities on the Meisner acting technique. What makes Larry an authority? Well, Mr. Sanford Meisner was Larry’s acting coach. ‘Nuff said! Larry, who has been teaching acting for ...
Acting Classes

“Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances.” – Sanford Meisner “Acting is not about being someone different. It’s finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there.” – Meryl Streep  Opening the door to a discussion ...