Scene Study

Acting is Reacting - A Guide for Actors

Acting is often described as the art of living truthfully under imaginary terms. One of the most fundamental aspects of this is the concept that “acting is reacting.” This means that authentic performance comes from genuine responses to the stimuli ...
Child appearing beneath the curtain.

The first step in teaching a child about acting is to help them understand the basics of the craft. This includes explaining what acting is, what it means to be an actor, and what skills are necessary for the profession. ...
Bringing Your A-Game to the Cold Read- NYCastings

As actors we spend a lot of time obsessing about auditions – with good reason, of course. We are in the only profession that I know of that requires workers to go to job interview after job interview for much ...
NYCasting Acting Classes - Which Should You Choose

“I’ll always be there because I’m a skilled professional actor. Whether or not I’ve any talent is beside the point.” – Michael Caine Does everyone remember when they booked their first paying gig? It’s truly an amazing feeling –  whether ...