In the realm of animated storytelling, the magic often lies in the voices that bring beloved characters to life. Behind this magic at Pixar Animation Studios is none other than Kate Hansen-Birnbaum, a name synonymous with excellence in voice casting. ...
In Hollywood, it’s all about the leading role. The actor who gets top billing and is featured prominently in the trailers and posters. But sometimes, the best performances come from the supporting cast, the actors in smaller roles who flesh ...
Sisters Cassie and Sabrina Glow, aka the Glow Girls, have been doing voiceover work since they were little tots. Now, at ages 14 and 12, the Glow Girls have over 500 jobs under their belts. Cassie and Sabrina share their ...
Jimmy Kimmel, Oprah Winfrey, Faruq Tauheed, Ellen DeGeneres, David Letterman, James Corden. Do you recognize all of the above names as television show hosts? You betcha’! We spun the Wheel of Fortune and it landed on Faruq Tauheed! Yes, THE ...
We all know her as the infamous voice behind Apple’s directions, weather forecasts, and restaurant tips; the all-knowing assistant who answers our most challenging and mundane questions. Yet the actual female force behind Apple’s Siri – Susan Bennett – didn’t ...